Chromatic is a color-based puzzle game. The objective is to connect all input colors to their respective output colors by placing pipes...
Cordy is a dynamically typed, interpreted, semi-functional / semi-procedural language. It is designed as a quick-to-write, simple-yet-feature-full, scripting language...
Rust Web Assembly
Advent of Code Solutions
Monorepo containing all my Advent of Code solutions for all years. Some years were completed after the fact, others were done competitively...
Python Haskell Rust C C++ Cordy
Scrabble Solver
An algorithmic solver for Scrabble (or derivatives). Using word lists uploaded locally, it can search for optimal word placements for any arbitrary board configuration...
Rust Web Assembly TypeScript
Procedural Unbounded River Generation
Alternate Title: Why are Rivers so Hard?
This document will try to explain some of the difficulties, limitations, and possible ways to generate rivers in Minecraft. There have been many papers, articles, and other medium which have generated realistic rivers...
Minecraft (Java)